Couples Counseling

In The Comfort of Home

You and your partner have felt distant for a while now.

Your attempts to talk about it seem to fall flat. When one of you tries to bring things up, the other person becomes defensive or shuts down.

You’re not seeing eye-to-eye.

Your partner’s not hearing you and not understanding it from your viewpoint.

You keep having the same arguments over and over again.

You may talk about things, but nothing ever gets resolved.

Two geese look away from each other in misty pond

You keep wondering how you became so disconnected from each other.

How Couples Counseling Helps


You and your partner will learn how to recognize and change your negative patterns of interaction, such as arguments and resentment.


You will learn how to use better communication in the heat of the moment, when emotions often seem to get in the way.


You and your partner will address feelings of emotional disconnection in the relationship. The main goal is to help you reconnect!

Two people embrace while touching their nose tips and foreheads together
Two people sit close together on couch while looking at laptop screen
Two people sit on a couch with their white dog while looking at a laptop screen

Where Does Conflict Start?

Most people have a natural need to feel comforted by those they love. However, a lot of couples have trouble trusting and expressing emotion to each other. This is often a result of each partner’s past experiences in the current relationship and in other close relationships throughout their lives.

If we look deeper, we discover that these arguments often start because one partner is feeling a lack of emotional connection with the other.

One or both partners may be thinking,

Can I trust them with my heart?”

Feeling A Bit Hesitant?

Perhaps you worry that couples counseling won’t help…

…that you and your partner will just end up arguing in session the whole time…

…or that one of you will feel blamed because the counselor takes the other partner’s side.

It’s reasonable to have concerns about couples counseling. Be sure to bring up any concerns in your free phone consult or in session. I want to help you feel comfortable starting couples work.